Saturday, August 1, 2009


Well, Far Studios personnel are all home. The Ohio bunch are in Ohio and the Georgia bunch are in Georgia. Even Ray is home for a short assignment before returning to the desert.

We discovered that the youngest member of our team, Jordan, is multitalented (one word, two?). Anyway, she not only draws professionally, we have discovered she is a master sculptor as well! What gifts this kid has! Over the weekend we also discovered she can play the piano by ear! We are all soooo impressed!

A little sadness, too, as Audrey's future mom-in-law graduated to heaven last week. Please pray for Sean and his uncle as they work on settling the estate and clearing up debts. Sean really needs the Lord's comfort now. There are a lot of decisions to be made in a very short time. May God give grace and wisdom during this troubling time.

In the middle of all this, Sean and Audrey are househunting. It's fun but stressful too. They need a home of modest cost but big enough for the three of them, two cats and one dog with good schools for Jordan and somewhere in the middle of their separate work areas.

Scout season and school are both starting up with a vengeance here in Georgia. Evelyn is attending popcorn training today! What's that you ask. The cubs sell popcorn for their big fundraiser every year (Scout popcorn instead of scout cookies!). At least it's a healthier vice! (More manly too!)

Gramma is now a professional artist! She has sold her second painting! "Looking up" sold on the etsy store this week. That was a fun one to do as she experimented with metallic paints. Hope the new owner finds it's fun to look at in their home.

Well, gotta go. Hope you all have a beautifully blessed week! Bye!