Sunday, August 1, 2010

Big Yellow Bus

Well, we made it through the first two days of Rockdale County's school year. Had good weather but still managed a school bus accident on the very first day! How does one justify rear-ending a big yellow school bus with flashing lights? God was watching over the kids and no one on the bus was harmed. They all were shaken but went home with an exciting story to tell of the first day of school.

Let's hope the rest of the year is more boring.

Evie has been really busy on Etsy setting up treasuries. She has made some fantastic finds and has shown a real gift for curating.

Jordy completed her first High School Band camp with flying colors. She did confess to Gramma that she was a little homesick by the second night. She did get to room with one of her good friends. She loved the college campus and the dorm rooms. She even had fun on the field though she was exhausted and sore. Oh, what memories she's making!

Well, the wedding is only a few weeks away. Mom is trying hard not to worry about what isn't getting done. We're determined to enjoy the day. We, the Georgia contingent, will have only that - one day - with our Ohio crowd. The boys will have to miss one day of school (boo hoo). Please be praying for our safety on the road.

Evie has finished another fantastic shroom table. Even Ray likes it so we know it's worth consideration by her loyal fans. The wedding has kept our jewelry and ribbon artists from adding anything new to the shop but we anticipate wonderful things when the excitement has died down and everyone's schedules are back to normal.

I'm taking our friend, Michael, to church today. Let's hope he finds a church home at last. Heritage has some problems with some things but the people are loving and kind and trying to grow up in Christ. In the end, I think that is all Christ requires of us - To put God first in our lives and, secondly, to love each other as He commanded.

Well, have a wonderful Sunday and a safe week. We'll talk again later.

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